Check of a condition of a cranked shaft

Check radial люфта cranked shaft


1. Establish covers of radical bearings. If the cover is established correctly, its ear should be displaced to the left if to look in the movement direction (i.e. to be from the inlet pipeline).

2. Measure diameter of an opening under a cranked shaft in the block of cylinders (with the established covers of radical bearings) in the directions A, B and C.
3. Measure diameter of an opening in the direction A and write down it. Let, for example, 62.51 mm.
4. Uncover the radical bearing.
5. Measure diameter of a neck of the radical bearing. Let, for example, 57.95 mm.
6. Make gap calculation: Diameter of an opening (62.51 mm) - Diameter of a neck of the radical bearing of a cranked shaft (57.35 mm) = 4.55 mm. From this result subtract nominal rate of size of a radial gap of 0.04 mm (address to Specifications to the table) and receive 4.51 mm. This result share on 2 and receive thickness of the loose leaf of 2.255 mm.
7. Pick up the loose leaf of the corresponding thickness. For example: thickness of the loose leaf of 2.255 mm. According to requirements of Specifications choose the loose leaf on color. In this case, it is the loose leaf of dark blue color.
8. Insert rod loose leaves into a cover of a rod and fix them bolts.
9. Measure diameter of the bottom head of a rod with loose leaves.
10. Measure diameter of shatunny necks and by the measured value determine a radial gap in bearings of a cranked shaft. Diameter of the bottom head of a rod (with loose leaves) - Diameter of a shatunny neck = the Radial gap of a cranked shaft.

Check axial люфта cranked shaft


1. Measure width of a neck of the radical bearing of a cranked shaft.
2. Define thickness of a regulator axial люфта. The thickness of regulators axial люфта changes from 2.15 to 2.40 mm with a step of 0.05 mm.
3. Establish regulators axial люфта. Oil channels should be greased and established forward.
4. Measure axial люфт a cranked shaft and if it is necessary, adjust it.