Mercedes S-Class W-140

1991-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Mercedes S-Class
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class S (W-140)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ Power supply system and release
- Engine electric equipment
   + ignition and engine management Systems - the general information
   - Charge and start systems
      The storage battery - the main data, shutdown and acquisition of the new battery
      Check and charging of the storage battery
      Storage of the storage battery
      Charging system - general information and security measures
      Check of system of a charging
      Details of installation of the generator
      System of start of the engine - the general information and precautionary measures
      Check of system of start of the engine
+ gear shifting Box
+ Avtomaticheckaya transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment


Charging system - general information and security measures

In the car the generator of an alternating current is established. At installation of the additional electric equipment check, that capacities of the generator was enough for a food of this equipment.

The drive of the generator is carried out by a ridge belt from a cranked shaft of the engine.

The generator represents the three-phase synchronous electric car with electromagnetic excitement. For transformation of an alternating current in constant the rectifier is built in the generator on diodes. Tension is regulated by the built-in microelectronic regulator of tension.

At operation of the generator the electric current proceeding on a winding of excitement, creates a magnetic stream round rotor poles. At rotor rotation under each tooth of a stator passes that southern, the North Pole of a rotor and the working magnetic stream passing through teeth of a stator, changes on size and tension. This variable magnetic stream creates an electromotive power in a stator winding. The wedge-shaped form of polar tips of a rotor is picked up in such a manner that allows to receive the form of a curve electromotive power close to the sinusoidal.

At high frequency of rotation of a rotor of the generator when tension of the generator becomes more than 13.6 - 14.6 In, a regulator tension is locked and the current does not pass through a winding of excitement. Tension of the generator falls, the regulator opens and again passes a current through an excitement winding. The frequency of rotation of a rotor of the generator is higher, the it is more time of the locked condition of a regulator, therefore, the more strongly tension on a generator exit decreases. Process of locking and unlocking of a regulator occurs to high frequency therefore tension fluctuations on an exit of the generator are not appreciable, and it is almost possible to consider it to the constants supported at level 13.6 - 14.6 Century.

The system of a charging does not demand periodic service, however a driving belt, the storage battery and wires with sockets should be served according to given in Head Routine maintenance by intervals.

At ignition inclusion on a control panel the control lamp signaling about a discharge of the accumulator should light up. It should die away at once after engine start. If it does not die away or lights up during movement, the system of a charging is faulty. If the lamp is not lit at ignition inclusion, or the lamp fused, its conducting is torn off or the generator is faulty.

Security measures at work with the generator

Before making any works on charging system, it is necessary to familiarize with the following security measures:
  • Never disconnect the battery or a tension regulator when the engine and the generator work.
  • Never close the plug of excitement of the generator or the cable fixed on it on weight.
  • Never confuse wires of a regulator of tension.
  • Never include a tension regulator if it is connected to weight (instant damage).
  • Never remove the generator if the battery is not disconnected from a contour.
  • At installation of the battery watch, that the negative plug was connected to weight.
  • Never use the indicator of tension which is connected directly in a household network (110/220 In). Use only the indicator for 12 Century.
  • Do not check diodes tension giving more than 12 In or a mega-ohmmeter as it has too high tension for diodes and they at check will be punched (there will be a short circuit). At check of isolation of electroconducting by a mega-ohmmeter it is necessary to disconnect all wires from the generator.
  • If the battery is charged in the established condition by the charger, both cables of the battery should be disconnected. The positive plug of the charger to connect to the positive plug of the battery, and the negative plug of the charger with the negative plug of the battery.
  • Disconnect all wires from the generator and from the accumulator at electric welding of any details of a body.
  • Check chains and knots of electric equipment and eliminate malfunctions at the idle engine and the disconnected storage battery.
  • The wrong connection of wires leads to destruction of the rectifier and a tension regulator.