Mercedes S-Class W-140

1991-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Mercedes S-Class
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class S (W-140)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
- Power supply system and release
   + the Power supply system and injection of fuel of the petrol engine - the general information
   + System of injection of fuel of the diesel engine - the general information
   + Control system of injection of fuel and HFM-SFI ignition (6-cylinder petrol engines)
   + Control systems of the LH-SFI and ME-SFI engine (8-cylinder petrol engines)
   + Control systems of injection of fuel and ME-SFI and LH-SFI ignition (12-cylinder petrol engines)
   + Control system of fuel injection (diesel engines of the Om603.971 series)
   - Control system of fuel injection (diesel engines of the Om606.961 series)
      Glow plugs - installation details
      Fuel pump of a high pressure (TNVD)
      Regulator of the moment of injection of fuel - installation details
      Interkuler (radiator of the compressed air) - installation details
      Tubes of supply of the compressed air - the connection scheme
      The supercharger of air - installation details
   + turbo-supercharging System - the general information
   Systems of decrease in toxicity of release - the general information
   System of production of the fulfilled gases - the general information
   Catalytic converter (petrol models)
+ engine Electric equipment
+ gear shifting Box
+ Avtomaticheckaya transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

56822268 виза в канаду

Control system of fuel injection (diesel engines of the Om606.961 series)

General information

Arrangement of components of an electronic control system of the engine (IFI)

Scheme of an arrangement of components of an electronic control system of the engine (IFI)

А1e16 — the Alarm lamp of preliminary heat
А1e43 — the Alarm lamp of ERS
В28 — the pressure Sensor
N3/7 — the IFI Control unit
N16/1 — the Main unit
N14/2 — the Output block of preliminary heat

X35/63 — a control unit Box
R25/2 — the Sensor of provision of a pedal of an accelerator
S40 — Tempostat
Y31/1 — the EGR system Converter
Y31/5 — the Control unit pressure of pressurization / заслонка the control converter
29/1 — the Switch of stoplights

Scheme of an arrangement of the IFI components

В11 — the Sensor of temperature of cooling liquid
В17 — the Sensor of temperature of entering air
B28/3 — the Sensor of a raising of EGR system
L5/6 — the Sensor of provision of a cranked shaft

Y1/1 — the Electrohydraulic gate-type IFI valve
Y23/1 — the Drive of management of amount of injected fuel
Y23/1/1 — the Sensor of provision of a lath
10 — Ryadny of TNVD

Arrangement of the IFI components

A1e16 — the Alarm lamp of preliminary heat
811 — the Sensor of temperature of cooling liquid
N14/2 — the Output block of system of preliminary heat
R9 — Glow plugs