1. Take liquid from the tank of the amplifier of a steering. 2. Disconnect the intaking pipeline from the tank. 3. Remove submitting tube, a fan casing, the distributor of ignition, etc., to facilitate access to the pump, depending on engine type. 4. Remove a belt of a drive of the generator. 5. Disconnect a pulley (41) pumps. 6. Unscrew returnable (30f) and forcing (30i) pipelines. 7. Disconnect forcing (27a) and returnable (27b) pipelines from the Tandem type pump (on models with automatic adjustment of a road clearance of a body). 8. Disconnect oil pipelines (27c) and (27d). 9. Disconnect the pump (30). On models with 8-cylinder engines: remove the pump with a beam, then disconnect the pump from this beam.