Mercedes S-Class W-140

1991-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Mercedes S-Class
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class S (W-140)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ gear shifting Box
+ Avtomaticheckaya transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   Security measures
   Corners of installation of wheels of the car, road clearance
   - Forward suspension bracket
      Gap adjustment in the bearing of a forward wheel
      Removal and installation of the bottom spherical support
      Check of a condition of the top spherical support
      Replacement of the top cross-section lever
      Replacement of the bottom cross-section lever
      Removal, check and installation of a nave of a forward wheel
      Removal and installation of assembly of a rotary fist
      Removal and installation of a screw spring
      Removal and installation of the stabilizer of cross-section stability
      Removal and shock-absorber installation
      Regulator of a road clearance of a forward suspension bracket - installation details
   + Back suspension bracket
   + Steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment


Regulator of a road clearance of a forward suspension bracket - installation details

Location of a regulator of a road clearance of a forward suspension bracket

6 — the Regulator of a road clearance of a forward suspension bracket
52 — the Distributor
54 — the Connecting lever
R — the Steel pipeline



1. Disconnect forcing pipeline (R). Merge oil in suitable container.

2. Unscrew bolts (shooter) and uncover (a) on the right wheel arch.
3. Remove an arm (shooter) on a lateral beam, - on models with engines M119 and М120 at first it is necessary to remove a heat-shielding guard.
4. Remove clamps (A) from the valve of adjustment of a road clearance of a forward suspension bracket (Y37) and remove it, (except the models delivered in the USA).
5. Disconnect forcing pipeline (PV and TV) from a regulator and the distributor (52) and remove both pipelines.
6. Unscrew the connecting lever (15) from a regulator.
7. By means of a key disconnect forcing pipelines (S1) and (S2) from a regulator.
8. Unscrew bolts (52b) fastenings of a regulator (Y36) and remove it.


Installation is carried out as it should be, the return to removal.