Mercedes S-Class W-140

1991-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Mercedes S-Class
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class S (W-140)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- Engine
   Compression check in engine cylinders
   Engine check by means of the vacuum gage
   Belt of a streaming drive of auxiliary units
   + 6-cylinder petrol engines (M104.944 and M104.990/994)
   - 8-cylinder petrol engines (M119.970/981 and M119.971/981)
      Covers of heads of the block of cylinders - installation details
      Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline
      Removal and installation of a final collector
      Removal and installation of heads of the block of cylinders
      Removal and installation of covers of a chain of a drive of GRM
      Replacement of a chain of a drive of GRM
      Check of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye
      GRM drive - the general information, service of components
      Removal and installation of a regulator of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye
      Removal and installation of camshafts
      Check and adjustment of control provision of camshafts
      Removal and installation of valves
      Replacement of directing plugs of valves
      Replacement of rings of saddles of valves
      Removal and installation of pistons
      Designation and sizes of pistons
      Check of a condition of rods
      Check of a condition of a cranked shaft
   + 12-cylinder petrol engines (M120.980/982)
   + 6-cylinder diesel engines (OM603.971)
   + 6-cylinder diesel engines (OM606.961)
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ gear shifting Box
+ Avtomaticheckaya transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Removal and installation of a regulator of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye

Regulator of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye

1, 3, 15 — Bolts
2, 7, 12 — Covers
4 — Fittings
6 — the Nut
13 — the Right asterisk
14 — the Adjusting piston
14a — the Conic spring

16 — the Flange
17 — the Spring
19 — the Lock ring
20 — the Plug
21 — the Finger
22 — the Camshaft

Removal of an asterisk of the left camshaft

6 — the Nut
12 — the Cover
13 — the Asterisk
14 — the Adjusting piston
14а — the Conic twisted spring



1. Remove forward covers of both regulators.
2. Establish the piston of the first cylinder in situation 45 ° before VMT.
3. Block camshafts by means of cores (1).
4. Mark an arrangement of a chain of a drive of GRM concerning asterisks of camshafts.
5. Remove a natyazhitel of a chain of a drive of GRM.
6. Remove the top directing levers. Remove only the right lever for the right regulator.
7. Remove an asterisk of the right final camshaft.
8. Unscrew a bolt (3) fastenings of fittings (4).
9. Unscrew a nut (6), uncover (12), an asterisk of the left camshaft (13) with the adjusting piston (14) and a conic spring (14a). Unscrew bolts (15) and remove a flange from an inlet camshaft.



1. Tighten a flange (16) on an inlet camshaft (22).Убедитесь in correctness of installation of directing fingers (21). Replace bolts (15).
2. Insert a spherical spring (14a) and establish the adjusting piston (14) on a flange (16) in the fixed situation (blocking tooth In).
3. Establish an asterisk of an inlet camshaft in the fixed situation (blocking tooth In) on a shlitsa of the adjusting piston (14); lift a chain of a drive of GRM for a foresight of this procedure up.
4. Unscrew a persistent nut. Hold a regulator assembled for carrying out this operation.
5. Establish a cover (12).
6. Wrap a nut (6). Hold a camshaft (22) by means of a key (03).
7. Establish fittings (4) in the fixed situation.