Mercedes S-Class W-140

1991-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Mercedes S-Class
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class S (W-140)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ gear shifting Box
- Автоматичеcкая transmission
   Search of malfunctions - the general information
   - Automatic transmission 722.5
      Removal, check of a condition and installation of the converter of rotation (hydrotransformer)
      Removal and installation of a centrifugal regulator
      Removal and installation of the sensor switch of blocking of a starter (start permission)
      Vacuum knot - installation details
      Removal, service and installation of the secondary pump (AT to No. 3652931)
      Removal and installation of a forward cover with the secondary pump
      Removal and LB3 piston installation
      Removal and installation of a back cover of transmission
      Dismantling and assembly of klapanny assembly of AT
      Dismantling and transmission assembly
      Installation and gap check in multidisk brake В3
      Gap measurement in brake В1
      Coupling of raising transfer
      Removal, installation and check of components of a brake of BS of raising transfer and KS coupling
      Dismantling and assembly of the coupling of a free wheeling
      Dismantling and assembly of planetary mechanisms
      Dismantling and assembly of coupling К1
      Coupling К2
      Lever of the selector of gear shifting
   + Automatic transmission 722.6
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment


Automatic transmission 722.5

Removal and AT installation

AT installation details



1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
2. Vypressuyte the ball coupling, compress a plastic clip nippers and remove a cable of gear shifting (98).
3. Unscrew drain jams (2) and (4a) on the converter of rotation and a transmission and merge transmission oil.
4. Unscrew bolts (17) fastenings basic the rotation plate/converter.
5. Lift a transmission.
6. Remove a back cross-section beam (19) engines.
7. Remove an arm of system of release (10) and a bracket (11), having unscrewed nuts (7).
8. Remove a guard (5).
9. Unscrew the forward driveshaft (71) from a transmission.
10. Disconnect an exhaust pipe (60) from a back support.
11. Unscrew a shaft of a speedometer (9) or the inductive sensor (85a).
12. Disconnect conducting sockets from electromagnetic valves (Y3/1x1).
13. Disconnect conducting from a lambda probe and weaken a clamp.
14. Disconnect the socket (8) from the switch of blocking of a starter.
15. Remove a clamp (32) and unhook draft of switching.
16. Disconnect the vacuum line (12).
17. Unscrew bolts (13a), forcing and returnable pipelines from a radiator (13).
18. Unscrew a tube (15) oil filters.
19. Unscrew a connection wire on "weight" (27).
20. Unscrew a transmission from the engine and remove it at an angle.
21. Remove the rotation converter.


Installation is carried out as it should be, the return to removal.